Thursday, January 22, 2009

Because pretending you know French can be just as cool...


Park, late nights
NO idea they are being filmed
Little concept of the French language
= A magical musical collaboration

Watch and laugh, because I said so...

Friday, January 16, 2009

How much water do you think you use in a single day. Wash your cloths, wash your hands, your dishes, your self (I would hope). That is a heck of a lot of H2O people. We tend to focus so heavily on our carbon footprint (ie: green house gas emissions) that we easily forget about our...shall we say, water footprint. When you turn on the tap, do you think about potential waste of this precious necessity? Nahh! The Toronto Star has provided some fun and fancy.. OK, simple ways of cramping your water using style.

  • Don't leave the tap running when you brush your teeth. (person pet-peeve of mine)
  • Run your washing machine or dish washer only when you are desperately out of cereal bowls, or black leggings (ALL TOO OFTEN!!)

  • Shorten your shower by a few minutes... seconds... no, minutes.
  • Boil, and cook with only as much water as is necessary.
  • Add more veggies to your plate. Meat-heavy diets apparently use more water. (vegetarian: check! But I'll have to look into that for you meat-osaurus' out there)

To check out your water footprint, head over to

Stay hydrated.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

In The Beginning

While new years cheers have fizzled, no matter how many days pass, resolutions don't get old, they just get a new name—pain in know the rest. So re-cork your bottles and jump on the transformation train. Cheers, to a new you.

So what are my resolutions?, you may or may not ask Try new things? Make better use of my spare time? (Insert mothers wish for me) ''Stop twirling your hair Rebecca Frances! I won't tell you the rest, but I will ask you to join me on this blogging marathon about new and interesting ideas, products, people, and of course pieces of my own life. There should be something for everyone.