Monday, April 13, 2009

Baywatch Scuba Queen: Giving Water a Chance

There are so many reasons to loathe public pools that I hardly know where to begin. For starters, everyone knows they're an unhygienic, watery mishmash of loose Band-Aids and body hairs of every length and color, swirling around like a giant vat of people soup. Sound appealing? Not even a little bit.

Public pool swimmers have long accepted the reality that the water flowing past someone else's bikini line, will end up in their face. To me, children in pools spells out one fine equation that I am simply not interested in: 2 parts pee, one part chlorine.

I have something against water as a whole: lakes, oceans, ponds, all freak me out. I am that kid who LOVED tubing, but if I fell off, I was dragging YOU in with me.

I had one close call with drowning a few years back. Huge crashing waves + swimming from sand bar to sand bar had taken its tole on this beach babe, and I went under for good. Luckily I had a fit crew of Baywatch bitties (whom I still love) with me that literally saved my life.

SO, my experience with water is less than glamorous. BUT I have decided to face my fear, stir the pot, and enrol in a scuba diving course.

One weekend of tests and in-pool dives + 4 real open water dives. Pretty legit, pretty effing' scary.

When is the last time you've done something you're scared of?

Wish me luck, and check er' out:


  1. You rock. Bloggers for life.

  2. Try SCUBA 2000, cheap weekend rates with a Subway lunch provided. How can you wrong?!

  3. I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I think I will leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

  4. I just saw your comment from June 1st. Thank you! I appreciate it. I'll keep posting, if you keep reading!
