Sunday, April 26, 2009

CUBE.. Vote Please :)

Hey All,

So I am sure many of you have heard about this contest to win a new Nissan CUBE. Fabulously futuristic. Tres neat.
Well, my friend Chris has a very sweet poster (one of the best, in my opinion) that I am asking you ALL to vote on. He would really appreciate it. :)

OKAY, here is what you have to do: Go to the site, sign up in the top right hand corner (Petey, I know it's confusing) and then click VOTE.

WAIT.. there is more! You can vote everyday, once a day (Its good for you, trust me)

Right now his ranking is 134, and he needs to get up to #50 at least.. We've got to hook it up.

Thank you! You're the best. (Only if you voted)

Click Hurrrr:

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Some..helpful.. quotes:

Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in.
- Leonardo da Vinci

Thank you Leo, but right now, I am leaning towards this one:

Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else.
- James M. Barrie

I would rather be on the beach. This is work.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Skrew Earth Day

Hey Greenies,

Did I catch your attention? Treating the earth the same way society objectifies women? I smell an MIT essay topic.
Ok, don`t ''Skrew'' Earth Day... Just don`t make it the only day of the year you decide to do something kind for sweet, sweet mother earth. :)

I agree (at least in principle) with the idea that our collective responsibility is a 24/7/365 commitment, not just a day. Same goes for Earth Hour, which, although impressive with respect to its results, in my mind can engender the idea that it’s enough to do it just for an hour, rather than making a permanent practice of reducing our energy consumption. The neo-eco movement can feel at times like a form of cultural greenwashing, what with all the new dubiously “green” products and marketing campaigns that seem to be cropping up everywhere one turns these days.

Cynical? Perhaps... (sounds like someone describing any relationship advice I have to offer). But why Rebecca, SOMETHING is far better than NOTHING. And I agree. For me, in the end it all comes back to personal responsibility. Am I an eco-perfectionist? Hellz no. But I also believe that we can all put in a little more effort, it will make a great difference.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Oh Page...

This blurring of the typical dichotomies gives this my life...a layered depth, a metaphysical aura.

Catch my "drift?"

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Inside the Actors Studio--My steeze

I have found the most perfect little distraction. Rather, the most perfect break to work towards. I am currently quite obsessed with Inside the Actors Studio. Conveniently found on YouTube, James Lipton interviews a ton of the greatest celebrities.

This show has seen the likes of Johnny Depp, Ben Affleck, Angelina Jolie (my favourtie one), Halle Berry, Daniel Radcliff to name a few.

It is currently taped at the Michael Schimmel Center for the Arts at Pace University's New York City campus, and it is the shiz.

At the end of each interview, James Lipton reads out the same short questionnaire for each celebrity before he hands them off to audience questions.

Because I will be famous some day, I figure, why not fill that bad boy out myself. Practice round, you know? :

What is/are your favourite word(s): Insatiable, Verbose

What is/are your least favourite word(s): Masticate, pregnant

What turns you on: Confidence, motivation

What turns you off: Arrogance –there is a fine line

What sound or noise do you love: Fire crackling on the beach at my cottage

What sound or noise do you hate: Sirens especially when I’m driving

What is your favourite curse word: Fuckit's just so darn versatile

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt: Film Production, Law

What profession would you not like to attempt: Pearl Diving

If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates: You look great in white, honey.

I think you should fill out your own in the comment box...

Start here, and get addicted with me:

Monday, April 13, 2009

Baywatch Scuba Queen: Giving Water a Chance

There are so many reasons to loathe public pools that I hardly know where to begin. For starters, everyone knows they're an unhygienic, watery mishmash of loose Band-Aids and body hairs of every length and color, swirling around like a giant vat of people soup. Sound appealing? Not even a little bit.

Public pool swimmers have long accepted the reality that the water flowing past someone else's bikini line, will end up in their face. To me, children in pools spells out one fine equation that I am simply not interested in: 2 parts pee, one part chlorine.

I have something against water as a whole: lakes, oceans, ponds, all freak me out. I am that kid who LOVED tubing, but if I fell off, I was dragging YOU in with me.

I had one close call with drowning a few years back. Huge crashing waves + swimming from sand bar to sand bar had taken its tole on this beach babe, and I went under for good. Luckily I had a fit crew of Baywatch bitties (whom I still love) with me that literally saved my life.

SO, my experience with water is less than glamorous. BUT I have decided to face my fear, stir the pot, and enrol in a scuba diving course.

One weekend of tests and in-pool dives + 4 real open water dives. Pretty legit, pretty effing' scary.

When is the last time you've done something you're scared of?

Wish me luck, and check er' out:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Free Food

I happened upon an exhibit, I suppose a final project for an MIT course, in North Campus Building. While they were all very neat, one in particular struck my fancy.

Freeganism. Free-gan-wha?

: is an anti-consumerist lifestyle whereby people employ alternative living strategies based on limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources. Freegans choose to embrace community, generosity, social concern, freedom, cooperation, and sharing in opposition to a society based on materialism, moral apathy, competition, conformity, and greed.

This lifestyle involves salvaging discarded, unspoiled food from supermarket dumpsters, known as dumpster diving. Freegans salvage the food as a political statement, rather than out of need.

Apparently, these students conducted a dumpster dive of their own at a Whole Foods, and uncovered a ridiculous amount of perfectly edible food . What a waste.

A truly interesting video you MUST check out:

Monday, April 6, 2009


A symbol of North American nourishment, indulgence. Tempting, charming, cunning, decorated, delicious, lavish, initially satisfying, supported by a foundation of connotations, ideologies and clever, seething marketing. Initially satisfying, and ultimately regrettable. When you pierce through all of that...

What is that cupcake, ultimately? What are its contributions, and how does it assist you? Is it a true friend, or a charming and poorly influential superficial party hound, ready to bring you down with a smile on her face and a tequila shot in his palm?

make the world an intricate place. Like a sheer diamond faceted with sharp claws, truth is found amongst layers of distraction. Eat the cupcake, shoot the shot, Enjoy your life and its beautiful Illusions and fabricated foundations, but don't be "Punk'd".

Evil speaks with trickery, and it wins when you're naive and dazzled, awestruck at its paradoxical beauty, and left a diseased fool. Consciousness of both sides of the coin, and nothing can touch you. Have your cake, and eat it.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Blogworthy Meat?

So I am currently doing a project that involves advertisement analysis. Looking critically at ads relying on the method of semotics to uncover methods of signification —on my search, I happened upon a little ditty by Oscar Meyer. An ad that announces their meats as “Blogworthy”

My first reaction was—half a year ago, I hardly understood what blogging consisted of. My spell check doesn’t even detect “blog” as an English word. Who is their target market? Is the mainstream media ready for web 2.0 term dropping just yet?

Personally, I don’t think they are, but I have a bit of a soft spot for this ad. Perhaps because I am that target market. Announcing blogging, as a form of expressing emotion—obviously delight at this supposedly delicious meat? Delicious, and meat are not words that often leave this vegetarians mouth.

I did a little O.Meyer Google search and discovered that they actually have a pretty interesting “Hotdogger” blog of their own. Impressive.

The blog is written by the guys and gals who drive the Wienermobile, criss-crossing the country, looking for bridges that are high enough to drive under (so they don’t get stuck). They provide a little insight into travelling experiences in the Wienermobile –Hence, the blog.

Check er’ out.